Sales Hit of the Day: ECHOES

An easy sales conversation technique that rocks is one that I call “echoes”.

Whenever a prospect voices an objection, opinion, or condition, repeat it back to them in a gentle inquiring manner.

For example, if a prospect says they think your product, service or treatment costs too much, wait just a moment and feed their comment back to them as a question, as in, “Costs too much?” Then quietly wait for a response.

Typically, the buyer will start elaborating why they feel that way. In the process, they will share insights into how they are making a buying decision, and ultimately give you all the information you need to make sale…as long your solution is a good one.

You do need to be cautious about using echoes too much. The last thing you need to sound like is a parrot.

If you practice enough to make it sound completely natural, echoes might be the answer to most of your selling questions.

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